1 February 2014

Types of Sessions

In ASP.NET, there are the following session modes available:
         StateServer(Out Process)

         We can choose the session state provider based on which session state we are selecting. When ASP.NET requests for information based on the session ID, the session state and its corresponding provider are responsible for sending the proper information.

The following are session mode along with the provider name:
  •  InProc: In Memory Object.
  •  State server: asp.net _state.exe
  • SQLServer: Database
  • Custom: Custom Provider

            Apart from that, there is another mode off. If we select this option, the session will be disabled for the application. But our objective is to use session, so we will look into the above four session state modes.

Session States

               Session state essentially means all the settings that you have made for your web application for maintaining the session. Session State itself is a big thing. It says all about your session configuration, either in the web.config or from the code-behind. In the web.config, <SessionState> elements are used for setting the configuration of the session. Some of them are Mode, Timeout, StateConnectionString, CustomProvider, etc. I have discussed about each and every section of the connection string. Before I discuss Session Mode, take a brief overview of session events.

web is stateless, which means a new instance of a web page is re-created each time the page is posted to the server. Http is a stateless Protocol ,it can’t hold client information on a page. If the user inserts some information and move to the next page ,that data wil be lost and the user would not be able to retrieve the information

we need to store information .session provides the facility to store information on server memory .it can support any type of object to store along with our custom objects.For Every client ,session data is stored separately,which means session data is stored on per client basis.

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