21 May 2014

dtutil command prompt utility

The dtutil command prompt utility is used to manage SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) packages. The utility can copy, move, delete, or verify the existence of a package. These actions can be performed on any SSIS package that is stored in one of three locations 

Microsoft SQL Server database, the SSIS Package Store, and the file system. The storage type of the package is identified by the /SQL/FILE, and /DTS options.

Note1: On a 64-bit computer, Integration Services installs both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of the dtutil utility (dtexec.exe).

Note2: Many of the operations that are performed by dtutil can also be performed visually in SQL Server Management Studio when you are connected to an instance of Integration Services

he options can be typed in any order. The pipe ("|") character is the OR operator and is used to show possible values. You must use one of the options that are delimited by the OR pipe.
All options must start with a slash (/) or a minus sign (-).

Arguments must be strings that are either enclosed in quotation marks or contain no white space.
Double quotation marks within strings that are enclosed in quotation marks represent escaped single quotation marks.

Options and arguments, except for passwords, are not case sensitive.
Syntax: dtutil /option [value] [/option [value]]...
DtUtil Exit Codes:
DtUtil sets an exit code that alerts you when syntax errors are detected, incorrect arguments are used, or invalid combinations of options are specified. Otherwise, the utility reports "The operation completed successfully". 

The following table lists the values that the dtutil utility can set when exiting.
Value  Description
  0      The utility executed successfully.
  1      The utility failed.
  4      The utility cannot locate the requested package.
  5     The utility cannot load the requested package
  6       The utility cannot resolve the command line because it contains either syntactic or semantic errors.

Note: To delete a package from a named server, include the SOURCESERVER option and its argument. You can only specify a server by using the SQL option.

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