28 May 2014

ManyToManyRelationship -- System Center Cube

The ManyToManyRelationship makes it possible for you, the cube designer, to add custom, many-to-many dimensions to an OLAP cube, for enabling advanced analytic scenarios. Defining many-to-many relationships is beyond the scope of this document. However, you can investigate this concept and its benefits. For more information about the ManyToManyRelationship

During cube deployment, Service Manager automatically adds many-to-many dimensions to the cube for all "one-hop" relationships, without any interaction from you. However, Service Manager does not add many-to-many dimensions for cascading (multi-hop) relationships because of the exponential increase of possible relationships that could be added.

Adding all these relationships can significantly degrade performance when the OLAP cube is browsed. This is because the aggregations of many-to-many relationships are generally not calculated during processing and because the joins will be evaluated while the OLAP cube is browsed. If you want a specific, cascading, many-to-many relationship, you can define the relationship using a management pack element and it will be added to the OLAP cube.

Conversely, you can overwrite an automatically generated, many-to-many relationship to use a different intermediate measure group in instances in which multiple intermediate groups exist. In this case, Service Manager automatically uses the first group that is encountered. The following is an example of a many-to-many management pack relationship element:

<ManyToManyRelationship CubeDimension="ServiceDim" TargetMeasureGroup="AlertAboutConfigItem" IntermediateMeasureGroup="ServiceContainsConfigItem" />
The following table describes many to many relationship attributes.

Name of the many-to-many cube dimension
The target measure group to create the many-to-many relationship
The intermediate measure group to create the many-to-many relationship

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